Đánh giá kết quả sớm phẫu thuật thay van hai lá cơ học đơn thuần tại Trung tâm Tim mạch Bệnh viện E.

Nguyen Hong Hanh , Nguyen Cong Huu , Do Anh Tien , Nguyen Bang Viet , Phan Thao Nguyen , Nguyen Thai Long , Le Tien Dung , Nguyen Trung Hieu , Nguyen Do Hung , Chu Minh Ha , Ta Manh Cuong , Le Ngoc Thanh

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Early results after single mechanical mitral valve replacement in cardiovascular center – E hospital.
Objectives: To investigate the cardiac lesions in patients who had the single mechanical mitral valve replacement at cardiovascular center – E hospital and
assess the short-term results after operation Patients: All 111 patients operated with single mechanical mitral valve replacement in cardiovascular center – E hospital during 1 year from Jan/2010 to Jan/2011. Method: clinical intervention study, without control. All of the patients were preservation of the basal chordae of the posterior leaflet. Results and conclusions: The predominant lesion of the mitral valve was rheumatic heart valve disease with calcification. Hospital mortality was 1,8% due to left ventricular rupture in patients who had severe calcification of mitral valve.
Postoperative complications and treatment were mainly influenced by the duration of aortic crossclamp time and cardiopulmonary bypass.

Article Details


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