Nghiên cứu sàng lọc kháng thể bất thường ở bệnh nhân trước phẫu thuật tại trung tâm tim mạch Bệnh viện E từ tháng 7 năm 2013 đến tháng 8 năm 2014

Dao Thi Thanh Nga , Le Ngoc Linh , Luong Thi Anh

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Screening of irregular antibodies is critical for ensuring safe blood transfusion and reducing transfusion reactions in blood recipients. The reported percentages of positive cases of irregular antibodies differ across age, sex, clinical diagnosis. We retrospectively analyzed 1680 inpatients (832 men and 848 women) who received blood transfusions between July 2013 and August 2014 at cardiovascular centre of E Hospital. We screened the irregular antibodies in
blood-transfusion recipients by performing Coombs' test. Among the 1680 cases screened during the study period, 11 were positive for irregular antibodies (0,65%). The incidence of positive cases among women (0,83%) was significantly higher than that that among men (0.48%; p < 0,05). Among the 1680 cases screened in this study, 176 were baby between newbore and six months , and the percentage of positive cases among that group (1.7%) was highest after were group patients between 19 and 40 years old (0,97%). The percentages of positive cases of irregular antibodies were slightly different across the different age. The percentage of positive cases in the women, was higher than that in the men; This finding highlighted the critical role of irregular-antibody screening in this population

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