Nguyen The May, Doan Quoc Hung

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Pectus Excavatum (PE) is a congenital deformity of the anterior chest wall, in which the sternum and some rib’s cartilage on the sides of the breastbone develop abnormally, causing the anterior chest wall to depress. Diagnosis of Pectus Excavatum based on clinical signs; subclinical tests, which provide a chest cavity classification. Surgical treatment based on symptoms such as fatigue and chest pain; based on degree of chest depression; based on the psychological problems and the cosmetic requirements of the patient ... Surgical treatment: Previously, the large intervention surgeries on the chest wall was done, which leaved long and bad scars, long surgery time, severe postoperation. Nowadays, minimally invasive surgical procedures such as Nuss procedure is widely used, a less invasive, safe, effective and better cosmetic procedure. With the use of thoracic endoscopic surgery, the surgeon's creativity has made Nuss procedure more safe, more convenient, and more effective in the treatment of pectus excavatum.

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