Assessment the muscle relaxation reversal of sugamadex after video assisted thoracic surgery

Nguyen Manh Cuong, Ngo Van Dinh, Nguyen Ngoc Trung, Nguyen Van Nam, Nguyen Truong Giang, Nguyen Trung Kien

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A prospective study was conducted in 30 patients undergoing video assisted thoracic surgery with total intravenous anesthesia using propofol, rocuronium and fentanyl. One lung ventilation control through double lumen endotracheal. Level of neuromuscular blockade was monitored according to TOF scan machine. At the end of the surgical procedure, a dose 2mg/kg was injected upon the reappearance of a second twitch (T2) of TOF after the last dose of rocuronium. monitor the hemodynamic, respiratory, awareness, muscle relaxant reversal and extubation duration. The average time of operation is 115,37 ± 66,88 minutes, the total dose of propofol is 1291,67 ± 633,85 mg. 100% patients have enough extubation criteria after surgery.The average recovery duration from T2 to achieve TOF ratio greater than 0,7; 0,8 and 0,9, respectively, were 2,04 ± 0,58 minutes; 2,46 ± 0,66 minutes and 2.86 ± 0.67 minutes; The average tracheal extubation time is 4,37 ± 1,02 minutes;100% patients achieve the TOF ratio above 0,9 at first and second hour postoperative. There was one patient with a bradycardia after sugammadex injection, and no other side-effect on respiratory and circulatory system after administration. The dose of 2mg/kg sugammadex had a quickly reversal effect of muscle relaxant after video assisted thoracic sugery. It’s safe, little effect on respiration and circulation. No postoperative residual paralysis happened. 

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