Kết quả phẫu thuật bệnh tĩnh mạch phổi trở về bất thường toàn bộ tại Bệnh viện tim Hà nội

Xuan Huy Dinh, Sinh Hien Nguyen, Quang Vinh Dao, Quoc Hung Doan

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Background: Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) in a group patients have not been evaluated. We reviewed the patients under 15 years old, who suffered from repair of TAPVC from 2014 to 2019 at Ha Noi Heart Hospital. The impact of current surgical and perioperative management strategies on short-term is evaluated. Methods. We reviewed retrospectively 58 cases of surgical intervention for TAPVC conducted between January 2014 and December 2019. Results. Four anatomic subtypes of TAPVC were included in this study: supracardiac (45 cases, 77,6%), cardiac (12 cases, 20,7%), infracardiac (0 case, 0%), and mixed (1 case, 1,7%). Medium age was 25,22 months (6 days to 180 months). Medium weight was 8,71±7,66 kg (2,6 kg to 40 kg). Two (3,4%) early mortalities occurred, as well as 2 (3,4%) cases of under 12 months, pulmonary venous obstruction, urgent operation, hypertention pulmonary artery crisis and long time of clamp Ao, long time of postoperative ventilator care. Conclusion. Repair of TAPVC in a group patients under 15 years old at Ha Noi Heart Hospital from 2014 to 2019 may be encourage. This result need more patients and longtime follow up to evaluate better


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