Threshold characteristics of vibration perception through tuning fork vibration measurement in the assessment of lower extremity neuropathy in outpatients at hanoi heart hospital

Thi Thu Thuy Nguyen1, Sinh Hien Nguyen1, Thanh Hoa Tran1,
1 Hanoi Heart Hospital

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Background: Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is a key factor in the causal pathway leading to both foot ulceration and amputation.[1]

Objective: "Characterization of threshold for vibration perception through tuning fork vibration measurement in the assessment of lower extremity neurological complications in outpatients at Hanoi Heart Hospital".

Method: cross-sectional analysis.

Results: The sample size included 205 patients with symptoms of numbness in the legs being treated as outpatients at the medical examination department, Hanoi Heart Hospital; recruited into the study from October 2022 to November 2022; the average age is 65±10 years old, the youngest is 33 years old, the oldest is 92 years old; including 187 patients > 50 years old, accounting for 91.2%; the proportion of men accounted for 46.8% and the rate of women accounted for 53.2%. The highest rates of comorbidities were Hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia respectively 89.3%, 85.4% and 81.5%; VPT ≥ 25 has the highest rate: 60.5% on the left side and 59.5% on the right side; for diabetes detection time: the proportion of patients with VPT ≥ 25 mainly in the group of patients with diabetes > 5 years (77.4-78.7%), and a moderate rate (23.7% - 29.3%) in group suffering from 1 to 5 years; The rate of clinical symptoms appearing more frequently in group VPT ≥ 25.

Conclusion: In cases of subclinical use for the diagnosis of neuropathy, a VPT measurement should be performed for the diagnosis and early detection of this pathology in at-risk groups, especially those with diabetes.

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