Clinical and laboratory characteristics of perioperative patient's and follow-up after coronary artery bypass graft surgery with extracorporeal circulation

Van Thanh Ngo1,, Sinh Hien Nguyen2
1 Hanoi Heart Hospital
2 Hanoi Heart Hospial

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Objectives: Course of hospital stay post-coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure has become increasingly shorter over the last few decades. However, after coronary artery bypass surgery, there is a certain rate of adverse events related to surgery and resuscitation. Therefore, we conducted this study with the goal of evaluating the clinical and subclinical characteristics of patients undergoing CABG surgery with extracorporeal circulation.

Methods: A prospective method was used to study 171 consecutive patients undergoing CABG Surgery at Hanoi Heart Hospital from June 2016 to August 2018.

Results: The group of stable coronary artery disease 119 (69.6%) patients, the group of acute coronary syndrome 52 (30.4%) patients. The men was 3.6 times higher than that of women (p<0.05). The Euroscore II score (0.6 – 6.42) and typical chest pain were higher in the acute coronary syndrome group (p<0.05). Acute coronary syndrome patient's had a higher rate of postoperative EF reduction than stable coronary artery disease patients (p < 0.05). Stable coronary artery disease patients had  CK, CKMB, Troponin T hs increased postop than acute coronary syndrome patient's, ProBnP increased postop in both groups (p<0.05). The time of mechanical ventilation, use of inotropic drugs, and re-operating hemostasis were increased in the acute coronary syndrome group compared with stable coronary artery disease (p<0.05). The rate of reoperation for hemostasis (3.5%), the group of acute coronary syndromes patients was higher (7.7% vs 1.7%), the postoperative mortality rate was 2.3% up to 30 days.

Conclusion: The men was higher than that of women, and heart failure increased postop than preop in both echocardiography and laboratory tests. Acute coronary syndrome patients had a higher rate of bleeding re-operating hemostasis than stable coronary artery disease patient's.

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