Results of rib fixation in treating rib fractures at Dong Nai General Hospital

Tuan Anh Vo1,, Cong Tien Nguyen1
1 Khoa Ngoại Lồng ngực Tim mạch, Bệnh viện đa khoa Đồng Nai

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Rib fractures are a common complication of chest trauma. Fractured rib fixation is an effective method in treating complicated rib fractures, especially cases with flail chest. This study aimed to evaluate the results and effectiveness of rib fixation surgery at Dong Nai General Hospital.


This is an analytical descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted at Dong Nai general hospital from 2022 to 2023.


The study included 34 patients, 79% were male, 75% of ruptures were caused by traffic accidents. Lesions on the left side are more common than the right side (55.9% vs 32.4%), posterior arch fractures are the most common (88.2%), 41.2% have flail chests. Concomitant injuries consisted of pneumothorax (70.6%), hemothorax (76.5%) and pulmonary contusion (64.7%). Average operating time was 115.1 ± 39.5 minutes, average postoperative time was 10.12 ± 3.15 days. There was 1 case of reoperation due to pleural blood clots. We assessed the pain relief effectiveness by comparing the pain scale before and after surgery, there was a significant difference (7.47 ± 0.75 vs 3.35 ± 0.81, p < 0.001).


Rib fixation surgery is a safe and effective surgery in treating cases of complex rib fractures and flail chest. This can be implemented in provincial hospitals. Fixing more than 50% of broken ribs will help patients recover better and return to their daily work sooner.

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