Nghiên cứu các đặc điểm lâm sàng cận lâm sàng của bệnh lý kén khí phổi

Chau Phu Thi, Le Nu Hoa Hiep, Nguyen Van Khoi

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There were 103 patients in our study, 67 cases group I and 36 cases group II. Chest pain was 95,1%, dyspnea was 89,3%, chronic coughwas 34% and hemotypsis was 1%. Functional measures were FEV1(forced expiratory volume in 1 second) (% predicted), 50% <FEV1< 80% has 52,9% ; 30% <FEV1< 50% has 35,3% ; FEV1>80% has 11,8%.

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