Đặc điểm lâm sàng và siêu âm trước mổ bệnh nhân thay van động mạch chủ cơ học Sorin Bicarbon tại bệnh viện tim Hà Nội

Ta Hoang Tuan, Dang Hanh Son, Doan Quoc Hung

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Aortic valve lesions are relatively common in valvular heart disease. The disease progresses silently almost no clinical symptoms. Objective: Reviews clinical characteristics and preoperative ultrasound of patients with mechanical valve replacement aortic Sorin Bicarbon at Hanoi Heart Hospital. Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive. Subjects were 154 patients with mechanical valve replacement aortic Bicarbon Sorin during from 2009 to 2014. Results: Mean age was 40,5±10,3 (20 to 60 years old: 81,8%), 71,43% male. Clinical signes were: dyspnea 37,66%, chest pain 29,87%, diastolic murmur 71,43%. NYHA≥II 92,21%. Echocardiography: aortic regurgitation 44,81%, aortic stenosis 27,27%, aortic regurgitation and stenosis 27,92%, calcification 48,05%. Bicuspid aortic valve 25,97%; EF: 62.45±9.25%, Dd 5812±10.5 mm.
Conclusion: Patients with mean age 40,5±10,3. At the time of preoperative NYHA≥II:9221%, calcification 48,05%, left ventricular function 62,45±9,25%.

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