The clinical characteristics of patients with acute myocardial infrarction above & below 65 years old

Nguyen Van Tan , Nguyen Van Tri

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The mean age of the males was 66.90 ± 13.58 (the youngest was 32, the oldest was 99); the mean age of the females was 74.04 ± 11.20 (the youngest was 32, the oldest was 97) (p<0.001). The male: female ratio in the 2 groups had a difference (in group <65 years old it was 4.23; in group ≥65 it was 1.6, p <0.001). Cardiovascular risks between the 2 groups compared: high blood pressure in group ≥65 years old was higher than in group <65 years old (75.16% compared to 52.87%, p<0.001), smoking rate in group <65 years old was higher than in group ≥65 years old (42.21% compared to  14.24%, p<0.001), overweight rate  in group <65 years old was much higher than in group ≥65 years old (22.93% compared to 9.42%, p<0.001). The time from onset to hospitalization: <6 hours in group <65 years old of 55.8%, was higher than in group ≥65 years old of 36.9%. Conversely, the time from onset to hospitalization >6 hours in group ≥65 years old was higher than in group <65 years old, 63.1% compared to 44.2%, p<0.001.

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