Thoracoscopy in the surgical manangement of mediastinal tumor in 108 Military Central Hospital

Tran Trong Kiem

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Introduction: Nowadays, thoracoscopy   in   the surgical management of mediastinal tumor is adopted widely  because  of    many  advantages compared  to traditional method .Objectives: Evaluate result of thoracoscopy in the surgical management of mediastinal tumor. Methods: Retrospective,     prospective           and descriptive study for all patients, who had mediastinal tumor and were operated with thoracoscopy  in 108 hospital from 1/2011to 6/2012. Results: 36 patients (20male-16female) who diagnosed medias tumor and were operated with thoracoscopy in 108 hospital. The mean age:45,67±1,88 y.o (16-59 y.o). Tumor size: 4,22±0,24cm (maximum 8cm, minimum 2cm). Tumor  position:  anterior mediastinum 7(47,2%), middle mediastinum 10(27,8%), posterior mediastinum 9(25,0%). Operating time: 81,11±4,38min (40-120 min). Postoperating time: 7,00 days. There aren’t complications. Conclusions: Thoracoscopy for mediastinal tumor resection is the safe and aesthetic procedure, what can be reduced    postoperating time, infection, therefore, patients can be recovered and come back to work rapidly.

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