Lobectomy and lymphadenectomy via video-assited thoracoscopic surgery in treatment non- small cell lung cancer: is safe and feasibility?

Tran Minh Bao Luan, Nguyen Hoai Nam

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109 cases of lung cancer: the mean age 59.18 ± 10.08 (31-80), of which 59 male (54.1%), 50 female (45.9%). The mean size of tumor: 3.23 ± 0.91 (1.2 - 5cm). A total of 419 lymph node stations were explored, 225 lymph node stations were shown to be there, 175 lympho node stations completely removed (77.7%), and 30 stations not completely removed (13.3%). The mean operative time was 128.8 ± 31.3 (70 - 220 min), the mean duration of chest drainage was 3.1 ± 1.8 (2 - 14 days) and of hospital stay was 5.9 ± 1.9 (4 - 18 days). Intraoperative complications: 107 cases no complication (98.2%), 1 case laceration of azygos vein (0.9%), 1 case laceration of ipsilateral main bronchus (0.9%). There were 3 cases switched to a-VATS (2.7%) due to difficulty in lympho nodal dissections and 1 case switched to thoracotomy (0.9%) due to massive bleeding. Postoperative complications: 2 cases prolonged air leak (1.8%), 1 case pneumonia (0.9%), 1 case respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation (0.9%). VATS lobectomy and lymphadenectomy shows many advantages. Technological feasibility and safety, and effectiveness in cancer control have also been demonstrated by numerous studies. Our research also contributes to these advantages.*

Article Details


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