The use of vacuum assisted closure therapy (V.A.C) for the treatment of Infection at level of Scarpa's triangle

Duong Ngoc Thang , Nguyen Huu Uoc, Vu Ngoc Tu, Hoang Trong Hai, Khong The Binh, Tran Dang Thanh, Than Thi Nhu

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Objectives: Contribute to treatment indications, techniques and care for Scarpa infections after vascular surgery by vacuum assisted closure (VAC) procedure. Clinical case: 62-year-old male patient with a history of diabetes, hypertension, hybrid surgery: stenting on the right external iliac artery, endarterectomy of common femoral artery and femoral popliteal bypass with 8mm PTFE reinforced vascular graft, re-surgery due to pseudoaneurysm with bacteria of the right common femoral artery. The groin incision wasn’t healed, cared by a vacuum assisted closure. Results: The incision was completely healed after 149 days of treatment. Conclusion: VAC is a safe technique, brings good results, can be applied for complex infection and fistula at Scarpa site in practice of vascular surgery, and considered as one of the treatment options.

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