heart valve replacement surgery among patients with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension at Viet Duc hospital in 2014-2016

Doan Quoc Hung, Nguyen Anh Huy

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There were 70 patients undergoing valve replacement surgeries with pulmonary artery systolic pressure ≥ 60 mmHg, of which 54 cases (77,14%) experienced mitral valve replacement surgery, 16 cases (22,86%) underwent mitroaortic valve replacement surgery; and 46 cases had tricuspid valve repair. The mean age of patients were 48,12±11,31 years old (range 23-74 years old). Time for extra corporeal circulation was long (123,96±57,27 minutes). Postoperative ultrasound showed that: 100% valves were well performed, and 1,43% with perivalvular leak. The postoperative mortality was low (1,43%); no case had ventricular rupture or bleeding that required reoperation. Systolic blood pressure of pulmonary artery was significantly reduced after the operation (74,03±13,71 mmHg to 38,24±10,94 mmHg, p=0.00). Valve replacement surgery among patients with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension is still a good choice and safe solution. 


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