Clinical and subclinical symptoms of patients after minimally invasive mitral valve replacement surgery at Bach Mai Hospital

Tao Nguyen Van, Tuong Luong Manh, Duyen Nguyen Thi, Dao Vu Thi, Thuy Nguyen Tran

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Background: Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery has been implemented at Bach Mai hospital. This is a difficult and complex surgery. Clinical and paraclinical symptoms after surgery help nurses identify problems that need to be taken care of. Contributing to the success of this surgical approach.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study. The study sample size was 36 patients. The study period was from July 2022 - January 1, 2023. Clinical and subclinical symptoms were collected by research medical records. Data were entered using Epi Data 3.1 software and analyzed using SPSS 20.0 software.

Results: Some of the symptoms with a high rate of patients on days 1, 3 and 5 after surgery were cough (36.1%-72.2%-36.1%), palpitations (33, 3%-36.1%-36.1%); vomiting (27.8%-11,1%-5,6%), sleep disturbance (94.4%-36.1%-5.6%), tachycardia (41.7%-38.9) %-194%). Some low incidence symptoms are mild anxiety (22.2%-8.3%-0.0%), edema (5.6%-5.6%-0.0%), rapid breathing (0.0%-5.6%-11.1%), low blood pressure (11.1%-16.7%-5.6%), high blood pressure (5.6%-2.8%) -2.8%). Some symptoms that are not seen in patients are abdominal distension, digestive disorders, bleeding, and incisional infiltration. Some abnormal laboratory results with a high rate at day 1, day 3 and day 5 after surgery are: low red blood cell (27.8%-50.0%-30.6%), low HCT (48 .5%-66.7%-58.3%), high white blood cell count (88.9%-69.4%-52.8%), AST (75.0%-52.7%-52.7%), high ALT (19.4%-16.7%-194%). Some uncommon laboratory abnormalities are: low potassium (2.8%-2.8%-0.0%), high creatinine (5.6%-2.8%-2.8%), high glucose (16.7%-8.3%-2.8%), high urea (11.1%-2.8%-5.6%).

Conclusion: Patients after minimally invasive mitral valve replacement surgery had moderate pain, some common clinical symptoms such as cough, palpitations, sleep disturbances, and tachycardia. Some common subclinical symptoms are high white blood cells, low red blood cells, low HCT, high INR high liver enzymes.

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