Evaluation the application of cox maze procedure in treatment for atrial firillation combined with vavle disease

Lam Trieu Phat, Tran Quyet Tien

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A cross-sectional descriptive study of 45 patients is treated for atrial fibrillation by Cox- Maze procedure combined with valve surgery at Open Heart Surgery Department of Cho Ray Hospital from June 2016 to August 2017. In 45 patients, 15 males (33%), 30 females (67%), mean age 47 ± 9 (23-70 years). 06 cases (13%) were preopration stroke history. Thrombus in left atrial was 21 casses (46.7%). All patients had mitral valve disease, tricuspid valve regurgitation accompaned by 36 (80%). 100% of patients underwent Cox-Maze procedure was succeed with planed schema cryoblation. Recovery rate of sinus rhythm after surgery 67%. 02 patients need to put on a permanent pacemaker (4.4%). At the time of 6 months after surgery, 80% sinus rhythm recovery rate, no stroke. Cox-Maze procedure treatment for atrial fibrillation is safe and feasible with good early results in patients with heart valve surgery.*

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