Đánh giá kết quả phẫu thuật triệt để tứ chứng Fallot tại bệnh viện tim Hà Nội giai đoạn 2011-2015

Nguyen Sinh Hien

Main Article Content


155 patients had surgery at a mean age of 9,88 years (0,41-54). 38,7% patients had transanullar patch. Mean RV-PA gradient postoperation was 18,87±11,6mmHg. Maximum RV/LV pressure 0,57±0,16. 20,6% patients had complication, include 2,56% in need of reoperation. In-hospital mortality rate was 1,29%. After 6 months (n=153): reoperation 0%, mortality 0%. After 3 years (n=60): reoperation 0,65%, mortality rate 0%. There were no significant change in RV dilated index, RV-PA gradient, QRS time. The results of complete repair of TOF without ventriculotomy in Hanoi Heart Hospital were positive with low mortality rate. Keyword: Tetralogy of Fallot, complete repair, congenital heart disease.

Article Details


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