Tạo hình xương ức và thành ngực bằng nẹp vít trong vết thương ngực xuyên

Dr. Hoang Quoc Toan , Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan

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chest wall was destroyed in the penetrating chest wound is dificult problems for a variety of conditions and has been a complex problem in the past due to intraoperative technical difficulties, surgical complications, and respiratory failure. The
surgical technique of chest wall stabilization for fail chest and reconstruction with a screws plate as a part of destroyed chest wall and reconstruction is described here in this article.
Cas reporte A 54-year-old male was shot in the left thorax , fired from a AK bullet at close range (plus than 3 m). He arrived to our hopital approximately 8 hours after the injury. He had absent breath sounds on the left side, rapid respiratory rate 35 L/P,upper anterior fail chets(paradoxical motion of segments of the chest wall) and his vital signs were stable (pulse was 130,
blood pressure was 140/90 mmHg. Physical examination revealed a single skin laceration (plus than 2. cm) with less surrounding contusion at the left anterier-axillary line; 3th intercostal space. The admission chest radiograph revealed a all left
hemothorax(pleural effusion). chest X-ray demonstrated a foreign body at the right clavicle bone with the form of an bulett (Figure 1). A leftsided thoracostomy tube drained blood, the patient underwent a traumatic thoracotomie.the bullet and ribs,1/2 anterior upper sternum, muscles on the destroyed anterior upper chest wall were removed.wide anterior chest wall defects on only shaped by steel wires and screws plate and grand pectoralis muscles to the chest wall fix (stabilisation), avoid reversal respiratory and mediastinal infection.. The patient had an uneventful hospital stay and was discharged home 25 days later

Article Details


1.Penetrating Chest Trauma Rohit Shahani, MCh, MD, MS; Chief Editor: Jeffrey C Milliken, MD… Updated: May 12, 2011,Medscap news
2.Penetrating Chest Trauma Treatment & Management Author: Rohit Shahani, MCh, MD, MS; Chief Editor: Jeffrey C Milliken, MD ;Medscape news
3.Flail Chest Treatment & Management; H Scott Bjerke, MD, FACS; Chief Editor: John Geibel, MD, DSc, MA ; Medcaps
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