The role of 64-MSCT in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease

Duong Phuoc Hung , Bui Duc Phu , Hoang Minh Loi , Le Trong Khoan , Nguyen Van Thanh

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Since early 2009 Hue Central hospital has been equipped with 64-MSCT, we  detected a  number of complex congenital heart diseases such as tetralogy of Fallot, double outlet right ventricle, major aortopulmonary collateral shunts, pulmonary atresia with VSD, single left ventricle, aortic coartation, aortic interruption, aneurysm of coronary artery, patent ductus  arteriosus…Most of  operated  cases  demontrated  the good diagnostic correlation

With   its   superior   spatial   resolution   and   3D imaging, cardiac 64-MSCT is excellent for demonstrating anatomic structures and  their  spatial relationships, even in small infants. Cardiac 64-MSCT particularly   is   useful   for   imaging   regions   not visualized well by echocardiography, such as the cardiac great vessels.

Cardiac 64-MSCT is the non-invasive and fast method that may precise currently the diagnosis of congenital heart disease, overcome the limit of echocardiography such as poor acoustic windows and provide the entire necessary information for operation.

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