Chest wall reconstruction bu titanium mesh after sternal resection: Case reports and literature reviews

Nguye Viet Dang Quang, Huynh Quang Khanh, Vu Huu Vinh

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We had 5 patients who need to sternal removal due to: osteoblastoma (3 cases), thyroid cancer metastasis (1 case) and lung cancer metastasis (1 case). The age was from 32 ages to 58 ages, mean age was 42.2 age. There were 1 case total sternal tumor, 3 cases of upper part sternal tumor and 1 case of lower part sternal tumor. We performed 1 case of en-block total sternal resections and 4 cases of partial sternal resection within 2 cm far from margin of tumor. All the patients had reconstruction chest wall by titanium mesh and fixed to ribs by the screws. The post-operation time of extuation was 12.2 hours, length of ICU was 2 days (1 case), and length of day hospitalized was 5 days. We had 1 case of wound infection, which was treated by antibiotic infusion. Long-term follow up was 14.8 months and no recurrent tumor was found. Reconstruction anterior chest wall after sternectomy by Titanium mesh had good results. The patients could breath normally and recover soon. 

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