Anesthesia without muscular relaxants and univent tube intubation for thoracoscopic thymectomy in my asthenia gravis patients

Vo Van Hien, Nguyen Truong Giang, Mai Van Vien, Nguyen Van Nam, Nguyen Trung Kien

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90 MG patients (class I, IIA, IIB – according to the clacssification of Perlo- Ossermann) undergoing thoracoscopic thymectomy randomly divided into 2 groups. Propofol TCI group (45 patients) were anesthetized with propofol TCI and sevoflurane group (45 patients) were anesthetized with sevoflurane.

1. Both methods of induction by sufentanil (0.5µg/kg) with propofol TCI (Ce: 5μg/ml) or MCI (inject by hand) (2 to 2.5mg/kg) had a good and safe anesthetic effect. All patients were intubated Univent tubes successfully.

2. Sufentanil was infused with the rate of 0.2μg/kg/h in combination with propofol TCI (Ce = 3.5-4.5μg/ml) or with sevoflurane (1-1.5MAC) to ensure effective and safe anesthesia. Hemodynamic and respiratory funtion were maintained stabitility. Surgeons were satisfied with the anesthesia method applied in both groups.

3. All the patients met the criteria for extubation immediately at the end of surgery in the operating room. Respiratory funtion for the first 72 hours after surgery was normal. Airway injuries (21.11%) including sore throat and hoarseness. Lesions were determine through laryngotracheal endoscopic include: congestion and edema. The lesions of the airway were mild, narrow and lasted no longer than 3 days postoperative. 

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