A successful case of heart transplantation from multi-organ brain -dead donor with organ sharing and coordination

Phung Duy Hong Son, Nguyen Huu Uoc, Trinh Hong Son

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Introdution: The demand for organ transplants is very high and brain death multi-organ donation is a worldwide trend. The role of the Organ Coordinating Center is important to manage and optimize the most of the donor organs. The report aims to inform a successful heart transplant case at Viet Duc university hospital with a donated heart coordinated by the Vietnam National Coordinating Center of human Organ Transplantion. Method: Retrospective clinical case report based on a heart transplant in December 2018. Result: A brain death organ donor who is a male, 43 years old, being treated at Bach Mai Hospital. Family of donor hope organ donation can help people. The Vietnam National Coordinating Center of human Organ Transplantion organizes to send donor to Viet Duc hospital and perform multi-organ harvesting, and then coordinated for transplant units nationwide. Heart transplant recipient was men, age 60, with end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy, with biological parameters suitable for the donor. The movement, organization, collection and distribution of organs for donation and transplantation all took place smoothly and successfully at Viet Duc hospital in Hanoi and Second Children's hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. All the patients, who receive the organs had good recovery. Conclusion: The success of heart transplant case from multi-organ donation, with the coordination of The Vietnam National Coordinating Center of human Organ Transplantion, has proved the effectiveness of donor-transplant coordination in Vietnam as well mastery of organ transplantation techniques, including heart transplantation.

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