The Vietnam Journal of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (VJCTS) was established in 2012 to publish domestic and international research in the fields of Cardiovascular and Chest surgery and cardiovascular intervention. Since then, the Journal has grown both in quality and scope, and currently includes a variety of academic researches. With the rapid expansion of the field of Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery. In 2021, the journal was ranked 1.0 point by the State Council for Professor Title of Vietnam in the Medicine journal category.

VJCTS launch an electronic version from 2021, indexed in GoogleScholar with DOI identifier. The journal publish quarterly in January, April, July and October. As a completely open access platform, the Journal will provide the maximum of the published articles, allowing everyone to read, research and share.

Aim and Scope

VJCTS is an open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed original research, communications and all aspects of Surgery and Interventions in the field of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

Review process

Any manuscript within the scope of and following the journal's author guidelines will be screened, edited and anonymously reviewed by at least one independent expert in the field. The Editor makes editorial decisions and is finally approved by the Editor.

Publishing ethics

Publishing an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential foundation in developing a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions supporting them. The articles are critically reviewed for demonstration of scientific methods. Therefore, it is important to agree on the standards of expected ethical conduct for all parties involved in publishing: authors, journal editors, reviewers, publishers, and communities of socially owned or sponsored journals.

Privacy statement

VJCTS is committed to implementing and complying with the provisions of the law and other guiding documents related to personal information security on cyberspace. Information of users (authors, readers, editors, reviewers) enter into forms on the VJCTS Online Publishing Management System is used only for clearly stated purposes. and will not be provided to any other third party, or used for any other purpose.



Ngày 27/9/2024, Bệnh viện E tiếp tục tổ chức chương trình Hội thảo khoa học chuyên đề “Phẫu thuật tim xâm lấn tối thiểu - Từ lý thuyết đến thực hành” với nhiều báo cáo khoa học nhằm chia sẻ, cập nhật những kiến thức, kinh nghiệm trong nghiên cứu và thực hành lâm sàng về lĩnh vực phẫu thuật tim xâm lấn tối thiểu.



Một bệnh nhi (mới 11 ngày tuổi, nặng 2,3 kg ở Hòa Bình) mắc bệnh cửa sổ chủ phế - một bệnh tim bẩm sinh rất hiếm gặp, gây suy tim và có nguy cơ tử vong cao vừa được các bác sĩ khoa Phẫu thuật tim mạch trẻ em, Trung tâm tim mạch, Bệnh viện E phẫu thuật cứu sống thành công. Điều đáng nói, trước đây, khi phẫu thuật bệnh này phải cưa xương ức nhưng các bác sĩ Bệnh viện E với kinh nghiệm phẫu thuật hơn một nghìn ca ít xâm lấn cho trẻ em đã quyết định lựa chọn phương pháp phẫu thuật đóng cửa sổ...

Vol. 49

Date Published: 30/01/2025

Research Article

Evaluating the outcomes of ventricular septal defect occlusion intervention at the Cardiovascular Center – E Hospital
Dac Dai Tran, Quang Long Pham, Quang Huy Bui, Thi Hoai Thu Doan, Thi Huong Nguyen, Thi Tham Dang, Thi Kim Oanh Tran, Thi Bich Phuong Nguyen, Thanh Luan Hoang, Thi Yen Nguyen
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Page: 5-15
Report of a case of renal artery aneurysm with covered stent at Hanoi Heart Hospital
Cong Ha Nguyen, Dinh Phuc Nguyen, Anh Hung Pham
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Page: 16-20
Evaluation of early outcomes of minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery through left thoracotomy at Cho Ray Hospital in the period 2022-2024
Van Chien Pham, Thai An Nguyen, Hoang Dinh Nguyen
PDF Cite
Page: 21-31
Results of hybrid surgery for treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysm
Van Nghia Doan, Hai Son Dam, Cong Huu Nguyen, Thao Nguyen Phan , The Huy Nguyen, Hoang Nam Nguyen, Tran Thuy Nguyen, Thanh Dat Pham
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Page: 32-37
Barlow severe mitral regurgitation: respect vs resect approaches in minimally invasive valve repair
Cong Hieu Luong, Hoang Dinh Nguyen
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Page: 38-49
Early outcomes of mitral valve replacement following prior mitral valve repair at Tam Duc Heart hospital
Van Hoa Tran, Kim Phuong Phan, Trong Hiep Chu
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Page: 50-58
Research on application of totally endoscopic surgery with Three- Dimensional system for congenital heart surgery in children
Anh Tien Do, Tran Thuy Nguyen
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Page: 59 - 68
Mid term outcome of non-small cell lung cancer at Dong Nai General Hospital
Tuan Anh Vo, Cong Tien Nguyen, Van Thanh Nguyen, Thanh Binh Nguyen, Dung Nhan Nguyen
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Page: 69-78
Validation of Euroscore II in predicting early mortality of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery in patients with non-st elevation myocardial infarction
Thai Minh Nguyen, Sinh Hien Nguyen, Thanh Phi Long Nguyen, Dinh Trung Ta, Trong Tan Nguyen, Quoc Hung Doan
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Page: 79-91
Mid-term results of coronary artery bypass surgery assessment by multisliced CT scan at Dong Nai General Hospital
Tuan Anh Vo, Thoi Hai Nguyen Nguyen, Dung Nhan Nguyen, Cong Tien Nguyen
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Page: 92-103
Evaluation of the medium-term outcomes in the treatment of severe multiple rib fractures in blunt chest trauma
Van Dai Nguyen, Cao Nguyen Truong, Viet Dang Quang Nguyen, Huu Vinh Vu, Huu Uoc Nguyen, Huu Lu Pham, Quoc Hung Doan
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Page: 104-113
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